What is Emergency Management?
Emergency Management encompasses all of the emergency response and mitigation efforts of Delaware County. This includes the countys Hazard Mitigation planning which is an attempt to identify, prioritize and develop strategies that reduce the impact natural hazards.
Emergency management also includes the Office of Emergency Services which provides EMS coordination, fire coordination and 911 oversight and policy development. Last is the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) which was created to enhance Delaware County’s ability to manage emergency and disaster situations.
More information can be found about each section of Delaware County’s Emergency Management on this site.
What is DHCP Role in Hazard Mitigation?
The Delaware County Planning Department assists in the gathering of data that can be used in Hazard Mitigation Management and Planning. The information collected by the Planning Department includes the condition of local infrastructure such as local roads. This data can be used to improve local infrastructure that can improve the county’s ability to respond to hazardous events, like providing emergency services to county residents.
Comprehensive Emergency Management PlanĀ (CEMP)
The Delaware County Emergency management Plan is a result of the recognition on the part of local government and state officials that a comprehensive plan is needed to enhance Delaware County’s ability to manage emergency/disaster situations. It was prepared by County officials working as a team in a planning effort recommended by the New York State Emergency Management Office (SEMO). This plan constitutes an integral part of a statewide emergency management program and contributes to its effectiveness. Authority to undertake this effort is provided by both Article 2-B of State Law and New York State Defense Emergency Act.
The development of this plan included an analysis of potential hazards that could affect the county and an assessment of the capabilities existing in the county to deal with potential problems.
Dealing with disasters is an ongoing and complex undertaking. Through implementation of risk reduction measures before a disaster or emergency occurs, timely and effective response during an actual occurrence, and provision of both short and long term recovery assistance after the occurrence of a disaster, lives can be saved and property damage minimized.
This process is called Comprehensive Emergency Management to emphasize the interrelationship of activities, functions, and expertise necessary to deal with emergencies. The plan contains three sections to deal separately with each part of this ongoing process.
The plan provides a general all-hazards management guidance, using existing organizations, to allow the County to meet its responsibilities before, during and after an emergency.
View CEMP By Sections
E_Section I- Planning Guidelines
I_Appendix III-1- Standard Operating Guide
J_Appendix III-2- Emergency Declarations
K_Appendix III-3 – Public Warning System
L_Appendix III-4a-NYS Debris Clearance Policy
M_AppendixIII4b-Delaware County Debris Clearance Policy
N_Annex A – Specific Readiness Plans
O_Annex B – Appendix 1 & Attachment 1
O_Annex B-Attachment 2 Emergency Preparedness Checklist